Ejemplo 1 

    Comencemos trabajando con el siguiente texto, que corresponde al comienzo del capítulo 6 de la obra de Luis Gil Fernández, Panorama social del humanismo español (1500-1800) (Madrid: Alhambra, 1981), p. 98.


Cuando en 1481 publicó Nebrija por primera vez sus Introductiones Latinae, dedicadas al cardenal Mendoza, probablemente no podría imaginarse el prodigioso éxito que tendría su obra.1 

1 El título del colofón reza, etc.

     En este pequeño fragmento podemos ver varios elementos estructurales: encabezado, un párrafo y una nota a pie de página. Además de estas estructuras, debemos reparar en otros fenómenos textuales como nombres propios, títulos y fechas. Veamos como se reflejarían todos estas características en la codificación de este texto:

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
<title>Transcripción electrónica de un párrafo del Panorama social del humanismo español</title>
<p>Publicado como un ejemplo de TEI.</p>
Luis Gil Fernández, Panorama social del humanismo español (1500-1800) 
(Madrid: Alhambra, 1981), p. 98 (</p>

<head>6. <title>"El ANTONIO"</title>: PECADO ORIGINAL DE LA BARBARIE</head>
<p>Cuando en <date when="1481">1481</date> publicó <name>Nebrija</name> por primera vez sus <title>Introductiones Latinae</title>, dedicadas al cardenal <name>Mendoza</name>, probablemente no pudo imaginarse el prodigioso éxito que tendría su obra.
<note place="foot">El título en el colofón reza etc.</note>

Ejemplo 2

   Este ejemplo muestra una carta latina de Isaac Newton, editada en el sitio web "The Newton Project". Se puede acceder al documento XML y sus transcripciones a través del siguiente enlace: <http://www.newtonproject.sussex.ac.uk/catalogue/record/NATP00013>.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0" xml:id="NATP00013">
                <title>Mr Newtons Letter of April 13. 1672 … being an Answer to the fore-going
                    Letter of P. Pardies</title>
                <title type="short">First reply to Ignace Pardies</title>
                <author xml:id="in"><persName ref="nameid_1"
            <extent><hi rend="italic">c.</hi>
                <num n="word_count" value="956">956</num> words</extent>
                <authority>Newton Project</authority>
                <publisher>Newton Project, University of Sussex</publisher>
                <availability n="lic-text" status="restricted">
                    <licence target="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/"><p>This text
                            is licensed under a <ref
                                Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported
                <note n="pages">3pp.</note>
                <note n="language">
                    <p>in Latin</p>
                <note n="related_texts">
                    <linkGrp n="document_relations"
                        <ptr type="is_responded_by" target="NATP00015"/>
                        <ptr type="is_response_to" target="NATP00012"/>
                        <ptr type="is_version_of" target="NATP00310"/>
                        <author><persName ref="nameid_1"
                        <title>Mr Newtons Letter of April 13. 1672 … being an Answer to the
                            fore-going Letter of P. Pardies</title>
                        <title level="j">Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society</title>
                        <title level="j" type="short">Philosophical Transactions</title>
                            <date>17 June 1672</date>
                            <biblScope type="no">84</biblScope>
                            <biblScope type="pp">4091-4093</biblScope>
                <origDate when="1672-06-17">13 April 1672 (published 17 June 1672)</origDate>
                <language ident="eng">English</language>
                <language ident="lat">Latin</language>
                <handNote xml:id="printer" scribe="print">Print</handNote>
                        <catDesc n="Science">Science</catDesc>
                            <catDesc n="Optics">Optics</catDesc>
                                <catDesc n="Correspondence">Correspondence</catDesc>
            <change when="2001-01-01" type="metadata">Catalogue information compiled by Rob Iliffe,
                Peter Spargo &amp; John Young</change>
            <change when="2003-01-21">Tagged transcription by <name xml:id="lc">Linda
            <change when="2003-08-21" status="released">Checked against original by <name
                    xml:id="rhiggitt">Rebekah Higgitt</name></change>
            <change when="2007-03-01">Coding converted to modified TEI DTD and proofed by <name
                    xml:id="mjh">Michael Hawkins</name></change>
            <change when="2009-04-20">Updated to Newton V3.0 (TEI P5 Schema) by <name>Michael
            <change when="2011-09-29" type="metadata">Catalogue exported to teiHeader by
                    <name>Michael Hawkins</name></change>
            <pb xml:id="p4091" n="4091"/>
            <fw type="pag" place="top-right">(4091)</fw>
                <head><foreign xml:lang="eng">Mr. <hi rend="italic">Newtons</hi> Letter of <hi
                            rend="italic">April</hi> 13. 1672. st. v. written to the Publisher,
                        being an Answer to the fore-going Letter of <hi rend="italic">P.
                <p rend="indent0"><hi rend="dropCap">A</hi><hi rend="italic">Ccepi Observationes
                        Reverendi Patris</hi> Ignatii Pardies <hi rend="italic">in <lb/>Epistolam
                        meam de Lucis Refractionibus &amp; Coloribus ad <lb/>Te conscriptam: quo
                        nomine me illi valde devinctum agnosco; atque <lb/>hoc difficultatibus, quas
                        proposuit, cluendis rescribo. Imprimis ait, <lb/>longitudinem solaris
                        Imaginis à refractione Prismatis effectam non <lb/>aliâ indigere causâ, quàm
                        diversâ radiorum ab oppositis partibus so<lb type="hyphenated"/>laris disci
                        profluentium incidentiâ, adeoque non probare diversam <lb/>refrangibilitatem
                        diversorum radiorum. Et, quò assertionis ejus ve<lb type="hyphenated"
                        />ritatem confirmet, ostendit casum, in quo ex</hi> diversa <hi
                        rend="italic">incidentia</hi> 30 <lb/><hi rend="italic">minutorum,
                        differentia refractionis potest esse</hi> 2 <hi rend="italic">grad</hi>. 23.
                        <hi rend="italic">min. vel <lb/>etiam paulo major, prout exigit meum
                        experimentum. Sed hallu<lb/>sinatus est R. P. Nam refractiones à diversa
                        parte Prismatis quan<lb type="hyphenated"/>tum potest inæquales statuit, cùm
                        tamen ego tum in experimentis, <lb/>tum in calculo de experimentis istis
                        inito, æquales adhibuerim, ut in <lb/>Epistola præfata videre est. Sit ergo
                        A B C Prismatis sectio ad <lb/>axem ejus perpendicularis, F L &amp; K G
                        radii duo in x (medio fo<lb type="hyphenated"/>raminis) decussantes &amp; in
                        Prisma illud incidentes ad G &amp; L; <lb/>sintque eorum refracti G H &amp;
                        L m, ac denuò H I &amp; m n. Et <lb/><figure rend="blockCentered">
                            <graphic url="NATP00013-1.png"/>
                        </figure> cùm refractiones ad latus A C æquales esse refractionibus ad latus
                        B C <lb/>quam proximè supposuerim; Si A C &amp; B C statuantur æqualia,
                            simi<lb type="hyphenated"/>lis erit radiorum G H &amp; L m ad A B basin
                        Prismatis inclinatio; <lb/>adeoque ang. C L m=ang. C H G &amp; ang. C m
                        L=ang. C G H. <lb/>Quare etiam refractiones in G &amp; m æquales erunt, ut
                        &amp; in L &amp; H;</hi>
                    <fw type="catch" place="bottom-right">atque</fw><pb xml:id="p4092" n="4092"/><fw
                        type="pag" place="top-right">(4092)</fw>
                    <hi rend="italic">atque adeò ang. K G A=ang. n m B, &amp; ang. F L A=ang. B H I;
                        &amp; <lb/>proinde refractorum H I &amp; m n eadem erit ad invicem
                        inclinatio ac <lb/>est incidentium radiorum F L &amp; K G. Sit ergo angulus
                        F x K</hi> 30 <hi rend="italic">min. <lb/>æqualis nempe solari diametro,
                        &amp; erit angulus, quem H I &amp; m n <lb/>comprehendunt, etiam</hi> 30 <hi
                        rend="italic">min. si modò radii F L &amp; K G æqualiter re<lb
                            type="hyphenated"/>frangibiles statuantur. At mihi experienti prodiit
                        angulus ille circiter</hi>
                    <lb/>2 <hi rend="italic">grad</hi>. 49. <hi rend="italic">min. quem radius H I,
                        extremum violaceum colorem, &amp; <lb/>m n, cæruleum exhibens, constituêre;
                        ac proinde radios illos diversi<lb type="hyphenated"/>modè refrangibiles
                        esse, sive refractiones secundùm disparem sinuum <lb/>incidentiæ &amp;
                        refractionis rationem peragi necessariò concedendum est.</hi></p>
                <p><hi rend="italic">Addit præterea R. P. quòd non sufficit ad obeundum ritè
                        calculum, <lb/>ex longitudine imaginis impactæ in Chartam subtrahere
                        magnitudinem <lb/>foraminis fenestræ; quandoquidem etiam posito foramine
                        indivisibili, <lb/>adhuc fieret aliud veluti foramen latum in posteriori
                        superficie prisma<lb type="hyphenated"/>tis. Mihi tamen videtur, his non
                        obstantibus, quòd refractiones ra<lb type="hyphenated"/>diorum, in anteriori
                        æquè ac in posteriori superficie Prismatis decussan<lb type="hyphenated"
                        />tium, ex adhibitis principiis possint ritè computari. Sed si res secùs
                        <lb/>esset, latitudo hiatûs in posteriori superficie quod ad instar
                            forami<lb type="hyphenated"/>nis est, haud efficeret errorem duorum
                        minutorum secundorum; &amp; in <lb/>rebus practicis non operæ pretium duco
                        ad minutias istas attendere.</hi></p>
                <p><hi rend="italic">Illi insuper experimento, quod</hi> Crucis <hi rend="italic"
                        >vocaveram, nihil advesa<lb type="hyphenated"/>tur R. P, dum contendit,
                        inæquales radiorum, diversis coloribus im<lb type="hyphenated"/>butorum,
                        refractiones ex inæqualibus incidentiis effectas fuisse. Nam <lb/>radiis per
                        duo admodum parva, ab invicem distantia &amp; immota fo<lb type="hyphenated"
                        />ramina, transeuntibus, incidentiæ illæ, prout ego experimentum insti<lb
                            type="hyphenated"/>tui, omninò æquales erant, &amp; tamen refractiones
                        liquidò inæquales. <lb/>Sin ille de experimentis nostris dubitet, oro, ut
                        radiorum diversis co<lb type="hyphenated"/>loribus præditorum refractiones
                        ex incidentiis paribus mensuret, &amp; <lb/>sentiet inæquales esse. Si modus
                        ille, quem ego ad hoc negotium ad<lb type="hyphenated"/>hibui, minùs placeat
                        (quo tamen nullus potest esse luculentior,) facile <lb/>est alios
                        excogitare; sicut &amp; alios ipse haud paucos cum fructu ex<lb
                            type="hyphenated"/>pertus sum.</hi></p>
                <p><hi rend="italic">Contra Theoriam de</hi> Coloribus <hi rend="italic">obijcitur,
                        quòd pulveres diverso<lb type="hyphenated"/>rum colorum permisti non
                        candidum sed subobscurum &amp; fulcum colorem <lb/>exhibent. Mihi verò
                        albus, niger, &amp; omnes intermedii fusci, qui ab <lb/>albo &amp; nigro
                        permistis componi possunt, non specie coloris sed quanti<lb
                            type="hyphenated"/>tate lucis tantùm differre videntur. Et cùm in
                        mistione pigmentorum, <lb/>singula corpuscula non nisi proprium colorem
                        reflectant, adeoq; maxima</hi>
                    <fw type="catch" place="bottom-right"><hi rend="italic">pars</hi></fw><pb
                        xml:id="p4093" n="4093"/><fw type="pag" place="top-right">(4093)</fw>
                    <hi rend="italic">pars lucis incidentis supprimatur &amp; retineatur; lux
                        reflexa subobscu<lb type="hyphenated"/>ra evadet, &amp; quasi cum tenebris
                        permista, adeò ut non intensum alborem, <lb/>sed qualem nigredinis permistio
                        conficit, hoc est fuscum, exhibere debeat.</hi></p>
                <p><hi rend="italic">Obijcitur deinde, quòd à liquoribus quibuscunque diversi
                        coloris in <lb/>eodem vase commistis, æquè ac in diversis vasis contentis,
                        opacitas oriri <lb/>debet; quod tamen, ait, verum non esse. Sed non video
                            consequen<lb type="hyphenated"/>tiam. Nam plurimi liquores agunt in se
                        invicem, &amp; novam sibi mu<lb type="hyphenated"/>tuò partium contexturam
                        secretò inducunt; unde opaci, diaphani, vel <lb/>variis coloribus, ex
                        coloribus permistorum nullo medo oriundis, prædi<lb type="hyphenated"/>ti
                        evadere possunt. Et hâc de causâ experimenta hujusmodi minùs <lb/>apta
                        semper existimavi, à quibus conclusiones deduci possint. Subnoto <lb/>tamen,
                        quòd ad hoc experimentum requiruntur liquores saturis &amp; in<lb
                            type="hyphenated"/>tensis coloribus præditi, qui perpaucos nisi proprii
                        coloris radios trans<lb type="hyphenated"/>mittant; quales rarò occurrunt,
                        ut videbitur illuminando liquores <lb/>cum diversis coloribus Prismaticis in
                        obscurato cubiculo. Nam pauci <lb/>reperientur, qui in propriis coloribus
                        satis diaphani appareant, inque <lb/>alienis opaci. Convenit præterea, ut
                        adhibiti colores sint inter se op<lb type="hyphenated"/>positi, quales
                        existimo fore rubrum &amp; cæruleum, vel flavum &amp; vio<lb
                            type="hyphenated"/>laceum, vel etiam viridem &amp; purpureum illum qui
                        coccineo affinis est. <lb/>Et ex hujusmodi liquoribus nonnulli (quorum
                        partes tingentes non con<lb type="hyphenated"/>gredientur) fortaße permisti
                        evadent opaciores. Sed de eventu nihil <lb/>sum sollicitus</hi>, tum <hi
                        rend="italic">quod luculentius est experimentum in liquoribus <lb/>seorsim
                        existentibus</hi>, tum <hi rend="italic">quod experimentum illud (sicut
                        &amp; Iridis, <lb/>Tincturæ Nephriticæ, &amp; aliorum corporum naturalium
                        phænomena) <lb/>non ad probandam sed ad illustrandam tantùm doctrinam
                <p><hi rend="italic">Quod R. P. Theoriam nostram</hi> Hypothesin <hi rend="italic"
                        >vocat, amicè habeo, <lb/>siquidem ipsi nondum constet. Sed alio tamen
                        consilio proposueram, &amp; <lb/>nihil aliud continere videtur quàm</hi>
                    proprietates quasdam Lucis, <lb/><hi rend="italic">quas jam inventas probare
                        haud difficile existimo, &amp; quas si non veras <lb/>esse cognoscerem, pro
                        futili &amp; inani speculatione mallem repudiare, <lb/>quàm pro mea
                        Hypothesi agnoscere. Quid verò censeri mereatur, ex <lb/>responsionibus ad
                        animadversiones Domini</hi> N. N. fortasse statim pro<lb type="hyphenated"
                    />dituris <hi rend="italic">clariùs patebit: <space dim="horizontal" extent="2"
                            unit="characters"/>Interea vale, &amp; perge amare</hi></p>
                <p><space dim="vertical" extent="1" unit="lines"/><space dim="horizontal"
                        extent="37" unit="characters"/><hi rend="italic">Tibi
                <p><space dim="vertical" extent="1" unit="lines"/><space dim="horizontal"
                        extent="54" unit="characters"/><choice>
                    </choice> Newton</p>

Ejemplo 3

  En este ejemplo mostramos el fichero XML del poema de Catulo 1 que se encuentra detrás de la edición de Perseus Digital Library.

    <text lang="la">
            <div1 type="Lyrics" org="uniform" sample="complete">
                <div2 type="Poem" n="1" met="Phalaecean" org="uniform" sample="complete">
                    <l>Cui dono lepidum novum libellum</l>
                    <l>arido modo pumice expolitum?</l>
                    <l>Corneli, tibi; namque tu solebas</l>
                    <l>meas esse aliquid putare nugas,</l>
                    <l>iam tum cum ausus es unus Italorum</l>
                    <l>omne aevum tribus explicare chartis,</l>
                    <l>doctis, Iuppiter, et laboriosis!</l>
                    <l>quare habe tibi quidquid hoc libelli</l>
                    <l>qualecumque, quod, o patrona virgo,</l>
                    <l>plus uno maneat perenne saeclo.</l>


Ejemplo 4

   El siguiente ejemplo, que procede del trabajo en clase con los alumnos, ilustra la forma de proceder para registrar el aparato crítico de un texto latino. En el elemento <sourceDesc> se ha añadido un listado con todos los testimonios recogidos en la edición de Tito Livio publicada en Oxford Classical Text. En la primera frase del prefacio se abre un elemento <app> con la primera entrada del aparato crítico, compuesta de un lema <lem> y dos lecturas distintas <rdg>.   

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?xml-model href="http://www.tei-c.org/release/xml/tei/custom/schema/relaxng/tei_all.rng" type="application/xml" schematypens="http://relaxng.org/ns/structure/1.0"?>
<?xml-model href="http://www.tei-c.org/release/xml/tei/custom/schema/relaxng/tei_all.rng" type="application/xml"
<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">
            <title><ref>Tito Livio</ref><hi rend="italic">Ab urbe condita<figure rend="right">
                     <graphic url="../../Prosa%20latina%20%C3%A9poca%20imperial/descarga2.jpg"/>
            <author>Go Digital!</author>
            <p>Departamento de Filología Clásica. Universidad de Cádiz</p>
               <witness xml:id="E1">Titi Livi,<hi rend="italic"> Ab urbe condita</hi> (ed. R. M.
                  Ogilvie) (Oxford: O.U.P., 1974) </witness>
               <witness xml:id="M1"><hi rend="italic">P</hi>= Pap. Oxyrh I379</witness>
               <witness xml:id="M2"><hi rend="italic">V</hi>= Codex Veronensis rescriptus</witness>
               <witness xml:id="M3"><hi rend="italic">V</hi>= Codex Mediceus</witness>
               <witness xml:id="M4"><hi rend="italic">Vorm</hi>. = Codex Vormatiensis nunc
               <witness xml:id="M5"><hi rend="italic">H</hi>. = Codex Harleianus</witness>
               <witness xml:id="M6"><hi rend="italic">W</hi>. = fragmentum codicis
               <witness xml:id="M7"><hi rend="italic">K</hi>. = fragmentum codicis
               <witness xml:id="M8"><hi rend="italic">E</hi>. = Codex Einsiedlensis</witness>
               <witness xml:id="M9"><hi rend="italic">O</hi>. = Codex Oxoniensis</witness>
               <witness xml:id="M10"><hi rend="italic">P</hi>. = Codex Parisiensis</witness>
               <witness xml:id="M11"><hi rend="italic">U</hi>. = Codex Vpsaliensis</witness>
               <witness xml:id="M16"><hi rend="italic">A</hi>. = Codex Aginensis</witness>
               <witness xml:id="M12"><hi rend="italic">Ω</hi>. = Consensus omnium codicum</witness>
               <witness xml:id="M13"><hi rend="italic">N</hi>. = Consensus codicum
               <witness xml:id="M14"><hi rend="italic">Δ</hi>. = Consensus codicum HWKEOPU, uel
                  eorum qui unoquoque loco extant</witness>
               <witness xml:id="M15"><hi rend="italic">Π</hi>. = Consensus codicum EOPU, uel eorum
                  qui unoquoque loco extant</witness>
               <witness xml:id="E2">Gron. = I. F. Gronouius (1645)</witness>
               <witness xml:id="E3">Drak. = A. Drakenborch (1738)</witness>
            <head>Praefatio, 1-9</head>
            <p rend="center">T. LIVI</p>
            <p rend="center">AB VRBE CONDITA</p>
            <p rend="center">PRAEFATIO</p>
            <p>Facturusne <app>
                     <lem wit="#E1">operae pretium sim</lem>
                     <rdg wit="#M1">sim operae pretium</rdg>
                     <rdg wit="#M2">sim, si a primordio urbis res populi Romani perscripserim,
                  </app> si</seg> a primordio urbis res populi <name>Romani</name>
              perscripserim nec satis scio nec, si sciam, dicere ausim,</p>

Ejemplo 5 

       Ofrecemos aquí uno de los ejemplos más completos de <teiHeader> que hemos podido localizar, perteneciente a la edición digital de Hamlet llevada a cabo por James Cummings. Se puede acceder al fichero completo a través el siguiente enlace <http://tei.it.ox.ac.uk/Talks/2015-08-maynooth/hamlet.xml?style=raw>

<TEI xmlns="http://www.tei-c.org/ns/1.0">

                <title type="statement"> The Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark from Mr. William
                    Shakespeares comedies, histories, & tragedies. Published according to the true
                    originall copies. </title>
                <title type="variant"> Mr. VVilliam Shakespeares comedies, histories, & tragedies </title>
                <title type="distinctive">Bodleian First Folio, Arch. G c.7</title>
                <author key="LCCNn78095332">Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.</author>
                <editor>Heminge, John, approximately 1556-1630</editor>
                <editor>Condell, Henry, -1627</editor>
                    <persName>Droeshout, Martin, 1601-</persName>
                    <persName>Jaggard, Isaac, -1627</persName>
                    <persName>Blount, Edward, fl. 1594-1632</persName>
                    <persName>Jaggard, William, 1569-1623</persName>
                    <persName>Smethwicke, John, -1641</persName>
                    <persName>Aspley, William, -1640</persName>
                <respStmt xml:id="BDLSS">
                    <orgName ref="http://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/bdlss">Bodleian Digital Library
                        Systems and Services</orgName>
                    <resp>creation of electronic edition</resp>
                <respStmt xml:id="INVIDA">
                    <orgName ref="http://www.invidasolutions.com/">Invida Trans It Solutions PVT.
                    <resp>preliminary keying and encoding by</resp>
                <respStmt xml:id="PW">
                    <persName>Pip Willcox</persName>
                    <resp>project management</resp>
                <respStmt xml:id="LMC">
                    <persName>Lucienne Cummings</persName>
                <respStmt xml:id="JS">
                    <persName>Judith Siefring</persName>
                <respStmt xml:id="ES">
                    <persName>Emma Stanford</persName>
                <respStmt xml:id="JC">
                    <persName>James Cummings</persName>
                    <resp>encoding consultation</resp>
                <respStmt xml:id="MT">
                    <persName>Magdalena Turska</persName>
                    <resp>encoding (person characteri)</resp>
                    <ref target="http://shakespeare.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/">Sprint for Shakespeare</ref>
                    Crowdfunding </funder>
                <funder> The second phase of the Bodleian First Folio project was made possible by a
                    lead gift from Dr Geoffrey Eibl-Kaye and generous support from the Sallie
                    Dickson Memorial Fund/Dallas Shakespeare Club Fund, Mr James Barber, and a
                    private individual. The Bodleian Libraries are very grateful for this additional
                    support, which brings new features to the digitized First Folio, enabling more
                    efficient and intuitive use for all with an interest in Shakespeare, early
                    modern drama, theatre and book history. </funder>
                <edition n="first"> First publication edition. <date when="2014-04-23">23 April
                    <orgName ref="http://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/">Bodleian Libraries</orgName> ,
                        <orgName ref="http://www.ox.ac.uk">University of Oxford</orgName>
                <date when="2014-09-11">11 September 2014</date>
                    <orgName ref="http://www.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/bdlss" xml:id="bdlss"> Bodleian
                        Digital Library Systems and Services </orgName>
                    <addrLine>Osney One Building</addrLine>
                    <addrLine>Osney Mead</addrLine>
                    <postCode>OX2 0EW</postCode>
                    <p> Available for reuse, according to the terms of the <ref
                            target="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/">Creative Commons
                            Attribution 3.0 Unported</ref> . </p>
                <idno type="url">http://firstfolio.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/</idno>
                <idno type="url">
                    <author key="LCCNn78095332">Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616.</author>
                    <title type="statement"> Mr. William Shakespeares comedies, histories, &
                        tragedies.: Published according to the true originall copies. </title>
                    <title type="variant"> Mr. VVilliam Shakespeares comedies, histories, &
                        tragedies </title>
                    <title type="distinctive">First Folio</title>
                        <settlement>London</settlement> , <country>England</country>
                    </pubPlace> : <publisher>
                        <persName>William Jaggard</persName> , <persName>Edward Blount</persName> ,
                            <persName>John Smethwicke</persName>
                    <date type="canonical" when="1623">1623</date>
                    <date type="entry" when="1623-11-08">8 November 1623 (entered)</date>
                    <idno type="shelfmark">Bodleian Library, Arch. G c.7</idno>
                    <idno type="estcCitationNo">S111228</idno>
                    <idno type="alephSysNo">015592789</idno>
                    <note type="citation">ESTC, S111228</note>
                    <note type="citation">Greg, III, p. 1109-12</note>
                    <note type="citation">Pforzheimer, 905</note>
                    <note type="citation">STC (2nd ed.), 22273</note>
                    <note type="citation"> Rasmussen, E. & West, A.J. "The Shakespeare First Folios
                        a descriptive catalogue", Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. </note>
                    <note type="citation"> Hinman, C. The printing and proof-reading of the First
                        Folio of Shakespeare, Oxford, 1963, p.30 </note>
                    <note type="citation"> West, A.J. A Model for Describing Shakespeare First
                        Folios, With Descriptions of Selected Copies, in The Library, v. s6-21,
                        Issue 1 (March 1999), p.1-19 </note>
                        <country>United Kingdom</country>
                        <institution>University of Oxford</institution>
                        <repository>Bodleian Library</repository>
                        <idno type="shelfmark">Bodleian Library, Arch. G c.7</idno>
                        <altIdentifier type="previous">
                            <idno type="shelfmark"> S 2.17 Art. [first Bodleian shelfmark,
                                1624-1664?] </idno>
                        <altIdentifier type="previous">
                            <idno type="shelfmark"> Arch. F c.13 [superscript z?] [second Bodleian
                                shelfmark, 1906-?] </idno>
                                <titlePart> M <hi rend="superscript">r</hi> VVILLIAM <lb/>
                                    <hi rend="large">SHAKESPEARES</hi>
                                    <lb/> COMEDIES, <lb/> HISTORIES, & <lb/> TRAGEDIES. </titlePart>
                                <titlePart>Publiſhed according to the True Originall
                            <docImprint> London : Printed by Isaac Iaggard, and Ed. Blount [at the
                                charges of W. Iaggard, Ed. Blount, I. Smithweeke, and W. Aspley].,
                                    <docDate>1623</docDate> . </docImprint>
                        <objectDesc form="codex">
                                        <height unit="mm">349</height>
                                        <width unit="mm">323</width>
                                    <p> [18], 303, [1], 46, 49-100, [2], 69-232, [2], 79-80, [26],
                                        76, 79-82, 80-98, [2], 109-156, 257-993 [i.e. 399], [1] p.;
                                        fol. </p>
                                    <p> Numbering peculiarities: 1st count: p.50 misnumbered 58;
                                        p.59 misnumbered 51; p.86 misnumbered 88; p.153 misnumbered
                                        151; p.161 misnumbered] 163; p.164 misnumbered 162; p. 165
                                        misnumbered 163; p. 189 misnumbered 187; p. 249 misnumbered
                                        251; p.250 misnumbered 252; p. 265 misnumbered 273 -- 2nd
                                        count: p.37 misnumbered 39 in some copies; p.89 misnumbered
                                        91; p. 90 misnumbered 92 -- 3rd count: p.165-166 numbered
                                        167 and 168 respectively; p. 216 numbered 218 -- 5th count:
                                        p. 279 misnumbered 259; p. 282 misnumbered 280; p.308
                                        misnumbered 38; p. 379 misnumbered 389; p. 399 misnumbered
                                        993. </p>
                                    <p> The signatures varies between sources, with the most
                                        commonly cited being Hinman's and West's: 1. Hinman: πA⁶
                                        (πA1+1) [πB²], ²A-2B⁶ 2C² a-g⁶ χgg⁸ h-v⁶ x⁴ χ1.2
                                        [para.]-2[para.]⁶ 3[para]¹ aa-ff⁶ gg² Gg⁶ hh⁶ kk-bbb⁶; 2.
                                        West: πA⁶ (πA1+1, πA5+1.2)²A-2B⁶ 2C² a-g⁶ ²g⁸ h-v⁶ x⁴
                                        'gg3.4' (±'gg3') [para.]-2[para.]⁶ 3[para]¹ 2a-2f⁶ 2g² 2G⁶
                                        2h⁶ 2k-2v⁶ x⁶ 2y-3b⁶. </p>
                                    <p> Mis-signed leaves: a3 mis-signed Aa3; ³gg1 mis-signed Gg;
                                        nn1-nn2 mis-signed Nn and Nn2 and oo1 mis-signed Oo. </p>
                                    <p> "The life and death of King Iohn" begins new pagination on
                                        leaf a1 recto; "The tragedy of Coriolanus" begins new
                                        pagination on leaf aa1 recto. </p>
                                <condition> Lacks A1, the letterpress frontispiece entitled "To the
                                    reader". The title page is trimmed and mounted, with a section
                                    of the mount towards the foot of the leaf mutilated resulting in
                                    the loss of some the Droechout imprint at the bottom left hand
                                    corner of the portrait and the central section of an early MS
                                    note. For a full condition report, including a full survey of
                                    damage and repairs, please contact Rare Books. </condition>
                                    <p>Predominantly printed in double columns.</p>
                                    <p>Text within simple lined frame.</p>
                                    <p> Colophon reads: "Printed at the charges of W. Iaggard, Ed.
                                        Blount, I. Smithweeke, and W. Aspley. 1623.". </p>
                                    <p> Editors’ dedication signed: Iohn Heminge. Henry Condell.
                            <decoNote>Head- and tail- pieces; initials.</decoNote>
                            <decoNote> With an engraved title-page portrait of the author signed:
                                "Martin- Droeshout: sculpsit· London.". The plate exists in 2
                                states: 1. The earlier state has lighter shading generall ; 2. Later
                                state has heavier shading, especially around the collar, and minor
                                differences particularly with the jawline and moustache. The vast
                                majority of surviving copies have the plate in the second state
                                which has led some scholars to conclude that the earlier state was a
                                proof. The portrait in this copy is the second state. </decoNote>
                            <p> Two MS verses on first endpaper verso: 1. 9 lines of verse by an
                                unknown author, first line reads "An active swain to make a leap was
                                seen". 2. A copy of Ben Jonson’s printed "To the Reader"; MS note on
                                t.p. (mutilated) appears to read "Honest [Shakes]peare". Minor
                                annotations on leaf 2n4 (Macbeth). All in an early English hand,
                                presumably added after leaving the Library. </p>
                            <p> Seventeenth-century (1624) English (Oxford) smooth calf. Bound for
                                the Bodleian Library by William Wildgoose, with evidence of two
                                cloth ties, red sprinkled edge. Formerly chained, with evidence of
                                chain staple at the head of the upper cover. Remains of paper label
                                at the head of the spine. Enclosed in 20th century book box by
                                Maltby of Oxford. See S. Gibson in Original Bodleian Copy of First
                                Folio, p. 12-13. One of four items sent out on 17th February 1624
                                for binding by Wildgoose containing printed waste from a copy of
                                Cicero’s "De Officiis, et al." [Deventer: Richard Pafraet, between
                                1480 and 1485] as paste-downs. For more information on this work
                                see: Bod. Inc. Cat., C-322. </p>
                            <p> For further details on the printing of this item see Hinman,
                                Charleton. The printing and proof-reading of the First Folio of
                                Shakespeare: Oxford, 1963. </p>
                            <p> Acquired by the Bodleian in 1623, presumably in sheets. It was sent
                                out to <persName>William Wildgoose</persName> on <date
                                    when="1624-02-17">17 February 1624</date> for binding (see:
                                Library Records e.258, fol. 48r) and upon its return chained in Duke
                                Humfrey at shelfmark S 2.17 Art. It is listed in the Bodleian’s
                                    <date when="1635">1635</date> catalogue of printed books but was
                                gone by the publication of the next catalogue in <date when="1674"
                                    >1674</date> , replaced by the newer <bibl>
                                    <title>Third Folio</title> ( <date when="1664">1664</date> )
                                </bibl> . There is no explicit reference in Library Records to the
                                disposal of this copy, but there is a record of a sale of
                                "superfluous library books" to <persName>Richard Davis</persName> ,
                                a bookseller in Oxford, in <date when="1664">1664</date> for the sum
                                of <num value="24">£24</num> . </p>
                            <p> After leaving the Bodleian this copy entered the collection of
                                    <persName>Richard Turbutt</persName> of Ogston Hall, Derbyshire
                                at some point in the early 18th century. It stayed in the family’s
                                possession until <date when="1906">1906</date> , when it was
                                reacquired by the Bodleian for the sum of <num value="3000"
                                    >£3000</num> , raised by public subscription. For a full
                                discussion of the rediscovery and purchase of this copy see: F.
                                Madan, G. M. R. Turbutt and S. Gibson, The Original Bodleian Copy of
                                the First Folio of Shakespeare (theTurbutt Shakespeare) (Oxford,
                                1905) </p>
                            <p> For a full discussion of this copy and the digital version see
                                http://shakespeare.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/ and West and Rasmussen (2011),
                                31. </p>
                                <bibl type="digitalFacsimile"> Digital facsimile images available
                                    at: <ref target="http://firstfolio.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/"
                                        >http://firstfolio.bodleian.ox.ac.uk/</ref> . </bibl>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-pla.1">
                        <persName type="standard">First Player</persName>
                        <persName type="form">1. Play.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">1. Player.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-all">
                        <persName type="standard">All</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Al.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">All.</persName>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-amb">
                        <persName type="standard">Ambassador</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Amb.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-plp">
                        <persName type="standard">Player Prologue</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-plq">
                        <persName type="standard">Player Queen</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Bap.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Bapt.</persName>
                        <sex value="2"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-ber">
                        <persName type="standard">Bernardo, sentinel</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Bar.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Barn.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-cap">
                        <persName type="standard">Norwegian Captain</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Cap.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-clo.1">
                        <persName type="standard">First Clown</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Clo.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Clown.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Clowne</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-for">
                        <persName type="standard"> Fortinbras, Prince of <placeName ref="#Norway"
                        <persName type="form">For.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Fortin.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                        <age value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-fra">
                        <persName type="standard">Francisco, a soldier</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Fra.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Fran.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-gen">
                        <persName type="standard">Gentleman, courtier</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Gen.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-gmn">
                        <persName type="standard">Gentlemen</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Gentlemen</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-gho">
                        <persName type="standard">Father's Ghost, Ghost of Hamlet's
                        <persName type="form">Gho.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Ghost.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-gui">
                        <persName type="standard">Guildenstern, courtier</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Guil.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Guild.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                        <age value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-ham">
                        <persName type="standard"> Hamlet, son of the former king and nephew to the
                            present king </persName>
                        <persName type="form">Ha.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Ham.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Hamlet.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Hem.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                        <age value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-hor">
                        <persName type="standard">Horatio, friend to Hamlet</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Hor.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Hora.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Horat.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Hor. & Mar.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                        <age value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-cla">
                        <persName type="standard">Claudius, King of Denmark</persName>
                        <persName type="form">K.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Kin.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">King.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                        <age value="2"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-lae">
                        <persName type="standard">Laertes, son to Polonius</persName>
                        <persName type="form">La.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Laer.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                        <age value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-luc">
                        <persName type="standard">Lucianus</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Lucian.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-mar">
                        <persName type="standard">Marcellus, Officer</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Mar.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Marcell.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Hor. & Mar.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-mes">
                        <persName type="standard">Messenger</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Mes.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-oph">
                        <persName type="standard">Ophelia, daughter to Polonius</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Ophe.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Ophel.</persName>
                        <sex value="2"/>
                        <age value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-osr">
                        <persName type="standard">Osric, courtier</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Osr.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Osricke.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-clo.2">
                        <persName type="standard">Second Clown</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Other.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-pol">
                        <persName type="standard">Polonius, Lord Chamberlain</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Palon.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Pol.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Polon.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                        <age value="2"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-plk">
                        <persName type="standard">Player King</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Play.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Player.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-pri">
                        <persName type="standard">Priest</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Priest.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-ger">
                        <persName type="standard">Gertrude, Queen of Denmark and mother to
                        <persName type="form">Qu.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Queen.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Queene.</persName>
                        <sex value="2"/>
                        <age value="2"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-ros">
                        <persName type="standard">Rosencrantz, courtier</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Resin.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Ro.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Rosin.</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Rsin.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-rey">
                        <persName type="standard">Reynaldo, servant to Polonius</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Reynol.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-sai">
                        <persName type="standard">Sailor</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Say.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-ser">
                        <persName type="standard">Servant</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Ser.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <person xml:id="F-ham-vol">
                        <persName type="standard">Voltemand, courtier</persName>
                        <persName type="form">Volt.</persName>
                        <sex value="1"/>
                    <place xml:id="Elsinore">
                            <geo>56.038103 12.620845</geo>
                    <place xml:id="Denmark">
                            <geo>55.9396761 9.5155848</geo>
                    <place xml:id="Norway">
                            <geo>64.5783089 17.888237</geo>